Taxation and Corporate Services
Businesses trading internationally or nationally must have top quality tax advice if they are to prosper in today’s competitive global markets.
Mohsin& Co offers specialists in all of the spheres of tax which an international or national trading group is likely to encounter in its quest for commercial success. Setting up trading operations in another country, either through a branch or a subsidiary company, instantly triggers the need for first class corporate tax advice and compliance services in the country concerned.
Having trading operations in several countries brings in additional dimensions of international tax and the need for highly specialist advice on tax-efficient structuring and financing.
The hottest topic currently in international tax is transfer pricing, with the risk that national tax authorities will impute additional taxable profits to local subsidiaries in international groups on the grounds that intra-group pricing is not at arms’ length. Protecting a group’s interests calls for co-operation between advisers in different countries, something which only a major accounting network can deliver.
The pitfalls of international tax are not confined to taxes which group companies pay themselves, but extend to indirect taxes, where the burden for the group is largely one of administration and accountability, and where heavy penalties can lie in wait for those who do not seek local guidance.
Many groups trading internationally will have staff working on assignment away from their home country, raising issues of expatriate tax, with both employer and employee in need of advice, and the need for assistance with compliance obligations.
Finally, Mohsin& Co has specialists who work together in the provision of tax services for private clients where the individual’s need is for help in coping with the tax laws of more than one country and for advice on protecting internationally located assets and on enhancing their value.
- Corporate and Secretarial Services
- Income Tax Planning, Compliance and Litigation
- Sales Tax Planning, Compliance and Litigation
- DTRE approvals
- Exemptions v/s 2(36) for NPO
- Exemptions Certificates
- NBFC licensing and approvals
- Rule 32 of companies ordinance companies incorporations
- Appeals to the departments and the High courts